We’re so grateful that God brought us together three years ago today!
All posts by Brent
Merry Christmas!
Margaret’s Dedication
I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.
1 Samuel 1:27-28
For years Hannah prayed for a child, and she was filled with joy when God answered her prayers and gave her Samuel. Her gratitude and commitment to God, captured in these verses, is so beautiful.
We’re also incredibly grateful that God has blessed us with a baby! It has been a desire on our hearts for a long time. There were lots of complications during the pregnancy, and it’s so incredible to finally hold our new baby! Like Hannah, we have the desire and obligation to now dedicate Margaret’s life to the Lord and raise her in a way that glorifies Him.
On Sunday we presented her to our church and prayed and dedicated her to the Lord. He’s so incredibly good to us! It was great to have my mom with us for this special day of celebration and dedication.
Thank you Lord!
We’d really appreciate your prayers for as well: that we would glorify God in the way we raise Margaret, and that she would love and follow Him.
Casa Shalom’s Christmas Party
Each year the kids leave the home in December in order to stay with families or pastors who volunteer to take care of them for a month in order to give the orphanage staff some time off to be with their own families.
So a group of churches came down from Florida to visit Casa Shalom last week in order to give the kids a Christmas party gave the final party before everyone left for the break. We enjoyed going and visiting the kids one last time this year, and they all enjoyed meeting Margaret for the first time.
We’re going to miss seeing them these next few weeks!
The kids also gave Margaret a cute card:
Mom meets Margaret
It was great to have my mom come stay with us for a while! She came down to meet Margaret and to help us out as we adjust to being new parents. The guys also really enjoyed having her visit because she’s a great cook, and we had a great time being all together. I don’t think that she had a very relaxing vacation with us. Oops!
She had to return to the US yesterday, and I’m missing her already!
English Sermons
One of the hardest things for me to live in Guatemala is to be away from our home church, and we miss all of our great friends there. But I also really miss hearing Pastor Rick’s sermons and learning from what God’s teaching through him. So I was so happy that he started uploading his sermons to their website so that I could hear them.
Here are the sermons so you can check them out!
- The Glory of Christ
- Never too Late for James
- The Testing of Faith in James
- Fulfilling Holiness
- Being the Church
- Living in the Fire of Christ
- Forgiving Others
- God’s Glory Demonstrated
- Hebrew Study: The Supremacy of Jesus
- Hebrew Study: Consider Jesus
- Hebrew Study: Finish, Don’t Fall Away
- Hebrew Study: Enter into His Rest
- Hebrew Study: God’s Progressive Revelation
- Hebrew Study: Jesus, The Greatest High Priest
November in Guatemala
Happy Thanksgiving! I was planning to send this email out in time for Thanksgiving, but I’ve been a little behind these past few days.
The biggest news this month is that our daughter Margaret Sophia was born last week! We named her Margaret after my grandmother who has been such a blessing to us. Both mother and daughter are doing well, but sleep sure has been much more difficult these past few days! We are so grateful for God’s wonderful provision and protection throughout the complicated pregnancy. And we are so excited to now hold our little girl in our arms! Please be praying for Yuli as she continues to heal from the C-section that was necessary.
Elias graduated from high school at the end of October, and he is now searching for his first job. So these past few weeks he’s been here at home with us, and we’ve had much more time to spend with him than we normally get. It’s been great to have this time with him, and our relationships have grown a lot deeper. He’s also been an absolute blessing to us this past week with our new daughter as he’s been so incredibly helpful with cleaning and running errands. I really enjoy our time together, and it’s so wonderful to watch him grow and mature. Please pray for him as he searches for a job.
Benjamin just celebrated his 24th birthday last week, and he also just started a new job. He decided to work at a cell phone company where a few other guys from Casa Shalom now work. This new job offers more money, but I’m concerned because it also requires longer hours. Our relationship with him has grown and matured a lot these last few months, and we’ve seen a direct link to how busy he is at work with how stressed he is at home. (In other words, he’s just like all of us!) Please pray for him as he decides where to work and how to invest his time.
The house construction continues to progress as well. We’re currently working on putting stucco on all the walls and installing pipes and drainage lines. I’m not sure when the house is going to be finished, but the progress continues to move along. I guess I should make a new video soon in order to show all the progress since we poured the roof!
Verse for November
This month we finished our Bible study on the book of John. I just love this book, and I learn more and more each time that I read it. It’s fascinating to see how Jesus interacts with His disciples and other people around Him. The thing that really stood out to me this time was how Jesus acted as a leader. I want to be a good leader to the guys that God has placed in my life, and I want to be a good leader for my family.
Chapters 13-17 are so rich with great examples of His leadership during the last supper and in the Garden of Gesemane. Jesus serves the disciples by washing their feet. He says hard things to them and does what He knows must be done. He gives them a vision for the future and a plan for the present. He challenges them and comforts them. He spends a long time praying for Himself and for them. And all throughout these chapters there is a continuous theme of love: God’s love of Jesus, Jesus’s love of them, and their need to love each other.
John the Baptist’s attitude about Jesus is exactly what I want and need for my life. It’s a great response about how to be a good leader:
He must become greater; I must become less.”
John 3:30 (NIV)
I would appreciate your prayers for me: Jesus must become greater in my life, and my personal desires and attitudes must become less. It’s so simple, yet so hard. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your support and prayers for Yuli, myself and our ministry with these guys. We pray that God also blesses your lives and draws you closer to Him. We pray regularly for you, so please let me know if you have any prayer requests!
Brent & Yuliza
Benjamin’s Birthday
Yesterday was Benjamin’s 24th birthday. It was kind of a crazy day because we returned from the hospital in the afternoon with our new daughter, and the house quickly filled up with people who wanted to meet her. But things settled down and we were able to celebrate his birthday at dinner. We’re so glad that he’s here living with us!
Meet Margaret Sophia!
We are so excited to announce the birth of our daughter Margaret Sophia!
She was born yesterday at 1:26 in the afternoon, weighs 7 pounds 8 ounces, and is 21 inches tall. Both mother and daughter are doing great.
We named her Margaret after my grandmother who has always been an incredible blessing throughout my life. She is an amazing woman who is full of love and is always busy serving others. Yuli’s sisters first recommended the name to us for our daughter because my grandmother had knitted scarves for them, and we loved it!
God is so great to give us this incredible gift. We pray that He would bless her life, guide us as new parents, and use her life to spread His love as well!
A 7.4 magnitude earthquake hit off the coast of Guatemala this morning. We were visiting Casa Shalom at the time, and fortunately everyone there was fine. The epicenter was about 95 miles away, and we could feel the ground shake for about a minute. This was the largest earthquake in Guatemala since 1976, and there have been 48 casualties in towns located closer to the center.