Category Archives: Guatemala

Mom came to visit

We were very excited to have my mom visit us this past week! It’s been lots of fun introducing her to our guys and to the kids at Casa Shalom as well as spending time with her and Yuli’s family together.

We had some issues with Yuli’s residency in the US which made it necessary for her to spend a few weeks with my parents until it all got sorted out. When it was all finished, my mom decided to take advantage of the time to return with her to Guatemala. She has always been a great source of encouragement to us, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to have her here with us!

Teaching Sunday School

Yuli taught the kids Sunday School at Casa Shalom during Visitor Sunday a few days ago. We then enjoyed snacks, ice-cream and time together with the kids afterwards. Visitor Sunday is always the highlight of the month!

May in Guatemala

This past month we were able to get in contact with another guy who grew up in Casa Shalom, named Carlos, who now has returned to live with his family. We have his story in our blog here, and it was great to see him again. There are many other kids who have also left over the years, and we hope to continue to make contact with them.

The construction on the house continues to progress well, although it’s now a little more complicated because we’ve entered the rainy season. There are new pictures of the progress here. The most exciting progress was finally getting permission from the new mayor to connect water to our land. After three months of asking neighbors to use their water in order to be able to mix cement, we are very excited to now have all the water that we need.

Prayer requests for June:

  • At the end of May we flew up to Austin, Texas in order to visit some friends and our home church in Austin, Texas for ten days. It’s wonderful to be back visiting with so many friends! Please pray that this time will be relaxing and refreshing for us.
  • This trip was necessary because of the current status of Yuli’s residency paperwork. We’d appreciate prayer that it would all get sorted out.
  • Please pray for Elias and Benjamin as they’re home alone until we return on Monday. They’re both adults, but it feels strange to be away from them. Fortunately Skype helps us keep in touch!
  • Yuli’s pregnant! We’d appreciate your prayers for her health and for us as we plan the new addition to our family.
  • Please pray Philippians 3:10-11 for us, “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.”

Thanks so much for all of your prayers and support for us in Guatemala! God has given us an incredible responsibility to be His witnesses, and we feel honored to carry His name.

Brent & Yuliza

We have Water!

We finally received permission from the new mayor to connect our house to the town’s water line.

But first we had to dig a 500 feet long ditch down the road in order to connect to their pipe! It took a few days, and fortunately the road is just a dirt road. The above picture is our ditch as it’s passing our neighbor’s house that is also under construction. They have been generous in sharing their water connection these last three months as we were waiting.

Yesterday we reached the main waterline. Water pipes are very different here compared to the USA. We were only allowed to connect to the mainline with a 1/2 inch pipe, which is really skinny, especially for how far it has to go in order to reach our land!

It was also fascinating how the connected our pipe. They just sawed through  the mainline with full pressure! It was pretty messy, but they were very quick about adding in our new T connection and reconnecting everything.

Having water available for construction is such a blessing! We’ve been praying for it to be connected before our trip to Texas so that the construction can continue without problem.

Connecting with Carlos

Carlos grew up at Casa Shalom with Elias and Benjamin, but moved away a few years ago to work at a restaurant that also provided him room & board. We found out that he had moved back with his family, so we tracked him down to see how he’s doing. His family lives only about 5 minutes away from us, and it’s great to see him again. We hope to continue to build a relationship with him now that he’s close. He has some learning disabilities, which is why his family left him at the home to grow up. But he’s one of the nicest and most helpful guys you could meet!

April in Guatemala

April was another busy month; sorry that this newsletter is coming out a little late. Our website is a little messed up right now as it’s been moved off of Casa Shalom’s website, so please update your bookmarks to Hopefully I’ll be able to soon resolve the problems that it’s having.

It’s great having Benjamin and Elias here with us, and we’re growing closer and closer together as a family. There’s certainly a transitional phase for both them as Casa Shalom has been their home since they were both young kids, and they’re accustomed to being surrounded by the other kids. So it’s a big change to be in a much smaller family now. And it’s been a change for Yuliza and I to have them here in our house all the time and to have the larger responsibility of planning and providing for them. But it’s so exciting to be growing together! I have great memories as a child eating dinner together with my family and talking about each of our days. Eating together while we discuss our days, hopes and plans for the future has now become my favorite time that we spend with the guys. We’ve also been studying the book of John together, and it has created many deep discussions. My prayer is that their relationships with our Heavenly Father will continue to mature in knowledge and depth of insight.

The construction on the house continue to steadily advance, and I’ve put a video of the progress on our website.

During my first trip to Guatemala I stayed with the Allan family and helped with their ministry Hearts for the Children. I watched the way this family from Canada interacted with the Guatemalans, and I was impacted by the way they tried to live as close to the Guatemalans as possible. Their example brought to life what the apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23:

Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. (1 Corinthians 9:19-23 NIV)

My hope and prayer is that we would also model these verses in our own lives and in order break down the cultural and social borders that exist so that Christ may be glorified through us.

Prayer Requests for May:

  • Benjamin & Elias: Pray that they continue to grow in their relationship with God as they grow in their professional lives.
  • Traveling to Texas: At the end of this month Yuli and I are going to visit our church and friends in Austin. We’re so excited about this opportunity to visit so many people that we dearly miss, and we would appreciate the prayers for our trip, that it would be a great chance to reconnect with many friends and supporters.
  • Please pray 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 for us: to the fatherless and motherless, we pray that we may be a father and mother, to win as many as possible.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support for our ministry. We are incredibly grateful! We pray for all of you, so we’d love to hear from each of you about specific things that we can be praying for.

Brent and Yuliza