Clara grew up at Casa Shalom with her sister Flora and brother Carlos. She moved away about 3 years ago, and had a baby about a year and a half ago. Well, she had a second baby a month ago. Flora and Carlos have been staying with her during the Christmas break, and we got to spend time with all of them. The good news is that she and her boyfriend have decided to get married! They could really use your prayers as they take this important step together.
Her daughter Rosemary was very curious to meet Margaret, but she’s incredibly shy around us. This was the best I could do to get a picture of her before she saw me watching.
Clara, Flora and Carlos came to Shalom in 2004, and Clara had always worked hard as a surrogate mother for her siblings. When she became a young adult she went a little wild, and it has caused a lot of problems for her and created a tough life for her. We’re always praying that she commits all of her ways to the Lord and follows His will for her life. I hope that this wedding is the first step.
Her brother Carlos broke his arm in late October while playing with some friends, and I’ve gotten some time together with him this Christmas break while taking him to get his arm checked up and his cast removed. He’s a fun guy!
It’s extra funny because my very first job at Casa Shalom in back in 2004 was rushing him to the very same hospital when he broke his other arm! I started just a few weeks after Clara, Flora & Carlos had arrived. Here he is after the first break eating a cupcake. He was so cute back then! (which he would hate hearing me say now)