Summer Newsletter Update


Our Family Continues to Grow

2016.May Newsletter.1We’re excited to continue to grow as a family, and the newest member of ourfamily is an 11 year old girl named Karla. Our wonderful helper, Erika, was Karla’s teacher last year, and they became close friends. Erika learned that Karla was being raised by her grandmother who was going through a very tough time financially. She wasn’t sure if she would be able to provide for Karla to go to school this year. So we decided to invite Karla to come live with us! It’s been great to have her in our family. She’s incredibly bright and dedicated to school, and I’ve never met someone who enjoys Bible trivia more than her. She’s a whole lot of fun.

2016.May Newsletter.2Celia is now in 9th grade at school, and she continues to be a really sweet girl. Here in Guatemala students pick a vocation for 10th grade to study, and she’s thinking about learning to be a teacher.

Flora graduated from high school last year with a degree in business administration. She received a job at a dollar store in the mall in our town. She’s learning a lot about the working world, and she’s enjoying getting her first paychecks!

2016.May Newsletter.3Alfonso is in 9th grade with Celia, and he continues to do well. He also needs to pick a vocation for next year, and he’s thinking about either graphic design or computer programming.

Carlos has recently started an apprenticeship to Erika’s brother to learn to be a metal worker. He has some learning disabilities which has made it very difficult to succeed in schools, and so he’s very excited with this new opportunity.

Shoeshiner Ministry

2016.May Newsletter.4The shoeshiner ministry that we’re involved with continues to grow. We’ve been ministering to the people of our town’s park every Sunday morning for almost two years now. We provide a simple meal and share God’s love with all who will receive it. The largest group that comes is about 50-75 shoeshiners ages 8 years old and up. We also get to minister to the poor, homeless, disabled and
alcoholics who come by for a hot meal.

2016.May Newsletter.5And this year we’ve started a Bible study and dinner on Monday nights to allow us to spend more time together and to grow spiritually. We typically get 20-25 people come to the service, and it’s such a blessing to be able to share God’s Word and His love with them!

Construction is Finished

2016.May Newsletter.6We’re so grateful for your wonderful generosity! I wrote in our last newsletter about our financial need in order to finish building the second story of our house, and I was incredibly blessed and humbled by your generosity. We received all that was needed to finish the construction, and it’s finished It’s such a blessing to have more space, and Margaret is so happy to have her own room now!

2016.May Newsletter.7Now that we’ve finished the construction we have more rooms
available, and we’re praying for new kids who might come and join our family. We’d appreciate your prayers for this as well. We want to be a help, example and blessing to more, and we’re trying to follow God’s leading as to who should come and be part of our family.
We also have more space for visitors, and we’d love to have a few teams come and visit us. Our faithful intern, Diamond, is coming to stay with us again this summer, and a couple named Phillip andNataly will be visiting next month. I know how transformative my first trip to Guatemala was to my life, and we’d love to help others who want to explore what God’s will is for their lives.

Thank You!

2016.May Newsletter.8We’re blessed to be able to serve in Guatemala, and we’re so grateful for your continued generosity through the years. Thank you so much!

Please pray that God would continue to fill us with His love and wisdom as we minister in Guatemala. Please pray that both our past and present children would continue to seek the Lord’s will for their lives. And please pray for all those that will come to live with us in the future, that our home would be a place of refuge, peace, hope and love.

Thank you so much for your support and prayers!
Brent, Yuliza & Margaret

2016.May Newsletter.9