October Ministry Update

Back: Anelcy, Liseth & Lesly
Front: Ana Lidia, Mary & Karla

As the school year ends here in Guatemala, we are happy to announce that Lesly has joined our family this month, and we’re so glad to have her with us!  Nathaly has just finished her senior year and will be graduating high school next week. 

Many of the girls have gotten a job in a clothing factory to work during their vacation. In fact, you can visit Walmart and look for colorful T-shirts of the brand “Wonder Nation” to see what they are producing!

As the school year ends, we look towards January and the next year, and we need financial help. Most schools are private schools, and especially during high school where the girls have to pick a major, it’s important to have a good education in order to be able to get a good job afterwards. 

This year the costs for school have averaged $100 a month for each girl, with more expenses at the beginning of the year when we pay for enrollment, uniforms and books. And during the school year, the monthly tuition is roughly about $60 depending on the career. In our home, we budget for $2 a day for food for each of us which is $60 a month per girl. In 2022 we’ve been running short about $550 each month, and it would be wonderful to be able to cover these expenses this coming year.

I know that I’m writing to so many that are so generous with us, but maybe you know someone else who would be interested in partnering with us in raising these wonderful girls. We have a great privilege to be able to serve in Guatemala, and we love bringing girls from difficult living situations into our home and make them part of our family. It’s a unique calling that God has placed on our lives, and our hope is to help each girl to know how much their Heavenly Father loves them, to desire to seek His will for their lives, and to be mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually ready for their futures.

Many have also asked how the new apartment construction is progressing, and unfortunately we’re still waiting for the road construction to finish in order to be able to bring in the materials we need. The road construction started about 2 and a half months ago, and it looks like they need another few weeks more. The house is almost finished, but it still needs doors, windows and electricity. Hopefully we will be able to finish it by the end of the year.

Thank you for your prayers and continued support for us!
Brent, Yuliza, Margaret & Isabella