We have been so happy to restart Monday night Bible studies and dinner this past fall. And we greatly enjoyed this special night of worship, teaching, prayer, games, gifts and a big dinner together. It has been a delight to be together again, and we’re excited to continue these in 2024.

As an outreach in our town of Chimaltenango, we prepared 200 traditional Christmas breakfasts of tamales and ponche (a hot fruit drink) which we passed out in our town’s center square. We were able to preach, pray and share the love of God to many people.

Casa Shalom has really special place in our hearts. It’s a Christian orphanage where most of our girls grew up, and Yuliza and I met there! We had the blessing to be able to give the hard working staff a break, and we watched the children for a morning full of games and soccer. Then we had a Bible lesson, tamales and all the ice cream they could eat!

Los Gozosos is a special needs orphanage near us that is truly amazing! With your gifts, we were able to help them with their Christmas party. Our friend Diamond came to stay with us and she and our girls helped the children there ring in the New Year together. Los Gozosos is struggling to pay all of their essential staff including nurses, therapists and nannies. Here is a link if you want to help.

Thank you so much for your help, prayers and support throughout 2023, and we’re amazed every year with the support for all of these Christmas programs. Our house filled with current and previous young adults that we’ve worked with over the years, and it’s a great time to be together. Our mission is “we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” (1 Thessalonians 2:8) Thank you for making it possible!
We hope that you enjoyed these photos of our activities. Please reach out through email with any questions or comments! Also, please see our previous newsletter for pictures of our five girls who graduated in November.
Thanks again, and God bless,
Brent, Yuliza, Margaret & Isabella