Happy New Year!
December has been a very busy month. We returned from a vacation, and Elias moved in to live with us. Then a bunch more came over to celebrate Christmas and the New Year with us. It’s been a really fun time having our home full of people.
Here are our blog posts for December:
- December Newsletter
- Back in Guatemala
- Elias now lives with us!
- Christmas Party
- Merry Christmas!
- Our Second Anniversary!
- Thank you for your support in 2011!
Here are our prayer requests for January:
- Prayer for Elias as he adjusts to life with us and as he starts his final year of high school in about a week.
- We hope to finally break ground on our land this month. I’m going to be pretty busy getting everything organized for the construction.
- Yuli has been offered a position at a nearby Christian school to teach in the mornings. We’re happy about this opportunity because she really enjoys teaching, and I’m going to be more occupied with construction details this year. It will also help cover a small portion of our monthly expenses.
Thank you so much for your prayers for us this past month! We are very grateful for all of the prayers and support that we receive. It’s a very exciting time for us as we start the halfway house. And we need your prayers that we can clearly hear God’s will for our lives.
Brent & Yuliza