We finally received permission from the new mayor to connect our house to the town’s water line.
But first we had to dig a 500 feet long ditch down the road in order to connect to their pipe! It took a few days, and fortunately the road is just a dirt road. The above picture is our ditch as it’s passing our neighbor’s house that is also under construction. They have been generous in sharing their water connection these last three months as we were waiting.
Yesterday we reached the main waterline. Water pipes are very different here compared to the USA. We were only allowed to connect to the mainline with a 1/2 inch pipe, which is really skinny, especially for how far it has to go in order to reach our land!
It was also fascinating how the connected our pipe. They just sawed through the mainline with full pressure! It was pretty messy, but they were very quick about adding in our new T connection and reconnecting everything.
Having water available for construction is such a blessing! We’ve been praying for it to be connected before our trip to Texas so that the construction can continue without problem.